Case Z2023-01: Variance Request. Applicant William Wen seeks a variance from the strict application of the Zoning Code for property located at 11115 Grand Avenue, Youngtown, Arizona. 85363. The applicant seeks a variance from the requirements of Title 17 Zoning, Chapter 17.36 C-2 Commercial District, Section 17.36.040 Fence and Free-Standing Wall Regulations. Fence or free-standing walls shall not exceed six feet in height in side or rear yard. Fences may be solid, of any approved fencing material except barbed wire, but may have a barbed wire protector along top; protector must be straight in line with fence or slope in. Fences in front yards may not exceed two and one-half feet in height. The effect of the variance will be to increase the fence height requirement in the rear yard to eight (8) feet to provide the desired security outcome without compromising the security of the tenants and business customers.
Case Z2023-02: Variance Request. Applicant Jalil Talaie seeks a variance from the strict application of the Zoning Code for property located at 11100 W. Michigan Avenue, Youngtown, Arizona. 85363. The applicant seeks a variance from the requirements of Title 17 Zoning, Chapter 17.36 C-2 Commercial District, Section 17.36.040 Fence and Free-Standing Wall Regulations. Fence or free-standing walls shall not exceed six feet in height in side or rear yard. Fences may be solid, of any approved fencing material except barbed wire, but may have a barbed wire protector along top; protector must be straight in line with fence or slope in. Fences in front yards may not exceed two and one-half feet in height. The effect of the variance will be to increase the fence height requirement in the side and rear yard to eight (8) feet.
The application and project file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Town of Youngtown in the Community Development Department, located at 12030 N. Clubhouse Square, Youngtown, Arizona. Written comments may be sent to the Town of Youngtown, Community Development Department, 12030 N. Clubhouse Square, Youngtown, Arizona 85363. Written comments may also be submitted at the public hearings.
March 2, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
PLACE: Join the Planning and Zoning Hearing by calling 1-346-248-7799
Meeting ID: 818 3287 5544
Password: 564544
Link to the Zoom Meeting: